Why backup Office 365?
Microsoft provides many amazing services with Office 365, but one service they do not provide is a built-in backup solution. The data residing in Office 365 is your responsibility, and you need a backup to ensure you have total access, control and protection of your Office 365 data.

5 Reasons to Switch Backup
Most legacy backup solutions in the market today aren’t very good. Challenges include IT admins lack the time, resources and energy to proactively tackle real business challenges. The frustration is real!
You’re not alone. IT pros around the globe feel your pain! This quick read is designed to help you understand the most common reasons other organisations have switched their primary backup solution and why now is the best time to make this switch.

CIO Guide to Modern Data Protection
2021 brings unprecedented data protection challenges, so businesses need to rethink data backup and recovery. The combination of growing security risks, rapid cloud adoption and the lack of prioritizing data backup and recovery creates a tenuous situation that may result in data gaps, security vulnerabilities and lost productivity.

Veeam 2021 Data Protection Report
3,000+ business and IT leaders were surveyed on data management challenges and successes, including the impact 2020 had on IT. Learn how business and IT leaders addressed these issues from shared insights:
- 96% of organisations are accelerating cloud usage
- 23% had 1+ server outage in past 12 months
- 28% increase in DRaaS usage within 2 years
- #1 Driver for change is backup reliability
Download the Data Protection Report 2021 to find out more.
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